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Re: Ironic docs & Service name standards


On 06/25/2015 04:10 PM, Anne Gentle wrote:
For context: we are in this situation because of legal names, where some
of the original governance allowed projects to use "OpenStack" in the
docs as part of their name very early on. So, sometimes the phrasing
needed "service" to help with readability. Also, legally we were
required to use module due to branding with the OpenStack name.

So, the convention is:

  * Uppercase first letter of first word only.
  * Do not use OpenStack in the name of the service.
  * Use module if it is consuming other services (such as heat).
  * Use service in general as that is mostly what is being added as

Now that we have the interop and brand guidelines, the use of OpenStack
in a name in the docs is not needed, but we still need to be very
careful and considerate in naming consistently.

Bare metal fits our first naming rule.

Anne, I saw your comment on:

So, changing to "Block storage", "Object storage", "Bare metal" looks strange to me. But I'm neither a native speaker nor an editor.

Looking forward to the patch - and perhaps a short list as overview to review.

Btw. did you see the thread "[openstack-dev] Should project name be uppercase or lowercase?"

 Andreas Jaeger aj@{suse.com,opensuse.org} Twitter/Identica: jaegerandi
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