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Re: PPB meeting tomorrow


John, I guess the point I was getting at is that there won't be a
point of having a good set of code in openstack-common until the PTLs
can come up with a set of agreed-upon guidelines for:

a) what goes in openstack-common
b) what code style to follow
c) what duplicate pieces of Swift/Nova/Glance can be put into
openstack-common as-is

Up until now, the impression I've gotten from the Swift dev team about
openstack-common has been "eh, we already have everything we need,
we're not really interested". I'm trying to move past that towards
identifying the pieces of code we can share between the projects.

Sounds like this could be a good summit discussion. Actually, we *had*
a discussion about this at the last summit, but IIRC, no Swift devs
were present. Would be great to get Swift devs on board a discussion
this time around.


On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 5:55 PM, John Dickinson
<john.dickinson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Apr 13, 2011, at 4:06 PM, Jay Pipes wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 4:09 PM, Vishvananda Ishaya
>> <vishvananda@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> New point for the agenda.  We have stuff that needs to go into openstack-common, and we don't really have a PTL for stuff there.  Who manages this?  Authn should be openstack-common for sure.
>> Good point. I actually think that openstack-common should *not* have a
>> PTL, and that the PTLs for the other projects should propose code
>> standards for that project and stuff to go into it. Authn would be a
>> great first start, since previous attempts at getting agreement on
>> things like option processing and logging didn't get very far.
>> John, what do you think?
>> -jay
> My first reaction is that openstack-common should have a PTL, but trying to set up elections, etc is not the important part yet. I'd prefer to see usable code first, and then whoever submitted it can be PTL. In other words, let's not rush to set up governance for something which isn't fully formed yet.
> Until openstack-common gets to the point of having a good set of code in it, the other projects' PTLs should manage it. However, with no code in it, the role of the existing PTLs would be to define what parts need to be there or some guidelines for what should go in an openstack-common project. Once the code is being written, it should be managed like any other first-class project within openstack.
> --John

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