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Fwd: 3rd Party APIs


FYI. Here is a message that was sent to the list but was refused as
non-member post. I think it brings some perspective on how the ecosystem
is organizing about 3rd party APIs support, so I forward it on this thread.

-------- Message original --------
Sujet: 	3rd Party APIs
Date : 	Thu, 3 May 2012 15:57:50 +0200
De : 	Jean-Pierre.Laisne@xxxxxxxx
Pour : 	openstack-poc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Copie à : 	ijm667@xxxxxxxxxxx

Dear all,

We would like to present some insight that we have gained, through work
that performed in our project, for discusion on the table of this highly
interesting thread.

In CompatibleOne, we took the decision to interoperate with OpenStack
through a proxy and more precisely, in our case, an OCCI component that
we call a PROCCI.

We are using the Nova API, and only that API.

We remap it for use through this OCCI component to satisfy the
provisioning needs of our open source cloud broker.

This technique allows us to interoperate with any other platform in much
the same way. And we could easily encapsulate, and consequently be
compatible with standards such as OCCI Infrastructure. Others such as
CIMI or CDMI could easily be adopted as and when they become publicly

Whilst contributing to OCCI and more than happy to be working with
OpenStack, we are looking for the assurance that it is possible to be
able to perform  complete and fully automated provisioning through the
native NOVA APIs.

We are looking for well documented and stable API on which our system
can be built.

For the rest we can easily manage as we have already done with Cactus,
Diablo and now Essex.
If the transition from release to release could be less painful it would
really save valuable time ;)

We would also appreciate the idea to have simple test kit to self assess
that our OpenStack PROCCI works properly and we would be willing to
consacrate time to participate in such an effort.


Jean-Pierre Laisne and Jamie Marshall
CompatibleOne coordinator and CTO
www.compatibleone.org <http://www.compatibleone.org>