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[Docs] how are we doing for Essex release?


Hi all,
I'm still hearing that "the docs are outdated" and would like a gut
check. We are fixing bugs all the time, but the backlog of confirmed
doc bugs remains over 100. If you are still seeing errors or
omissions, can you please help by reviewing docs and filling in the

Here are the yet-unfilled areas that I consider high priority for Essex:

1. Image management - a portion of this chapter is shared with the
book sourced in the Launchpad openstackbook project, and looking at
the project source, that hasn't been updated recently. There are
several doc bugs to fix here:
If anyone has a nice set of instructions on making images and
uploading them we could use them.

2. Migration from Diablo to Essex: I've logged
https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+bug/967402 and asked
Razique to write this section as he did a great job with the Cactus to
Diablo topic.

3. RBAC and policy.json - Joshua, any interest?

4. Metadata configuration -

5. EC2 compatibility - https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+bug/953137

6. Network configuration -

Thanks all for the updates so far. I welcome the work ethic folks have
brought to the doc!
