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Re: glance_api_servers vs. glance_host vs. keystone?


On 06/18/2012 10:41 AM, Lars Kellogg-Stedman wrote:
Thus, I suspect that nova may not even use the Keystone endpoints...

That sounds crazy to me, but I just got here.  That is, why go to the
effort to develop an endpoint registration service and then decide not
to use it?  Given the asynchronous, distributed nature of OpenStack,
an endpoint directory seems like a good idea.

It's mostly a vestigial thing. Before Keystone had an endpoint registry, we used configuration options to indicate important endpoint URLs.

Just out of question, what *does* use the endpoint registry in
KeyStone (in the Essex release)?

I would imagine that most things will move towards using the endpoint registry over time and getting rid of multiple hardcoded endpoint URLs in configuration files.

