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Re: P2PSP Experiments


Hey there,

Cristóbal, great work ;)

Just for your information: I downloaded Firefox-nightly (Firefox's developer's version) for testing purposes and none of the experiments are working. The first exp halts on the "Connecting" message. The second one shows me the Chrome warning message as expected and doesn't react when I press neither the Sender or Receiver button.

Did you mean other Firefox version different from nightly?



El 21/04/14 23:11, Cristóbal Medina López escribió:
Unfortunately the Firefox current version doesn't support Media Source Extensions (MSE) yet, but it is available in the version of Firefox for developer (the experiment has not been tested). In Chrome 33+ it works fine.
The status of the implementation of MSE in browsers is:

- Chrome: Supported with the WebM (VP8/Vorbis) video format.
- Firefox: Supported in Firefox for developer.
- IE: Supported with the MPEG-DASH video format.
- Opera: Not supported.
- Safari: Not supported.

Media Source Extensions specification has not stabilized, it's only a W3C candidate recommendation, it's not a standar yet. For now, I recommend you only try it in Chrome.

I think this will soon become standard and will be supported by all browser (I hope).


2014-04-21 9:21 GMT+02:00 L.G.Casado <leo@xxxxxx <mailto:leo@xxxxxx>>:


    > - The second is a video streaming system that allows transmit a WebM
    > video file directly to others browsers (browser-to-browser) like a
    > stream via WebRTC DataChannel and Media Source Extensions. You
    can try
    > it: http://www.p2psp.org/webrtc-streaming/

    Although, firefox complains, I was able to reproduce the Big buck
    as revceiver. Good work!!!

    The univac with webm extension firefox ask me for an external viewer.
    I could see it with vlc.

    Best regards,


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