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Message #00097
Google Summer of Code collaboration
Hi everyone,
I am Alejandro García Montoro, a computer science and mathematics student
from University of Granada -UGR-, currently enrolled in my fourth year.
Some days ago I received an email from the UGR Free Software Office in
which we were given some information about Google Summer of Code and the
participation of P2PSP in the programme. I read the description and the
objectives of the project, and I loved the freedom and technical -even
social- possibilities that the decentralization and the free sofware
contribute to the protocol. So I decided to deeply study the idea and
determine the best way for me to collaborate.
>From that day I have been reading the protocol description
<http://www.p2psp.org/en/p2psp-protocol> posted on your website, and I have
realized that I could help in its development, as well as learning a lot of
new things.
My experience with real projects is small but productive: since October
2013 to January 2015 I have participated with GranaSAT
<https://www.facebook.com/granasat?fref=ts> in REXUS/BEXUS
<http://rexusbexus.net/> programme. This programme, organised between the
german and swedish aerospace centres, in collaboration with the European
Space Agency (ESA), gives university students the opportunity to develop
instruments and to test them in stratospherical ballons and sounding
rockets. GranaSAT <http://granasat.ugr.es> aimed to develop attitude
determination system for pico-satellites. My role in the team has been
coordinator and programmer of the experiment sofware; I have been in charge
of the measuring, storage and processing of data, besides of the
communication with the ground station, whose protocol gave me a lot of
headaches and with which I learned a lot. I also developed one of the
attitude systems: a horizon sensor, coded in C -as the whole project- with
OpenCV. I have a repo <https://github.com/agarciamontoro/granasatServer> in
my GitHub account <https://github.com/agarciamontoro> with the code. It
does not include the last updates we did just before the flight, and the
Doxygen documentation is not finished, but there you can see the magnitude
of the project.
I also have large experience with programming languages as C, C++ and Java,
which I have used in several university and personal projects. I work with
bash scripts nearly every day and I have experience with
On the other hand, I think that my mathematical education can contribute
with a different and valuable vision. I have also thought of collaborating
with the mathematical analysis depicted in the web or in any other related
project which requires matematical knowledge.
My experience with python is not so large as with other languages, even
though I have used it several times to code some scripts. I have always
wanted to learn it in a proper way, so when I realized you are coding your
implementations in python I started an advanced online course, which I will
finish soon.
Regarding the specific project I want to work with, I do not really have
decided it, as I think I would enjoy any of them. However, it seems very
interesting to me the challenge of dealing with a low level project as in
the implementation of any of the Set of Rules. I am also prepared to work
in the design of the Android app and I could use my mathematical knowledge
in the statistics module. Finally, I think I could help with the designing
of the GUI, as I have also experience in graphical design.
If you think my collaboration could be useful and we decide a project in
which I can work, I will be glad of sending the Google Summer of Code
application with all needed details. I would also like you to share your
opinion about the project in which I could best fit.
Looking forward to your reply.
Best regards,
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