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Re: Opportunistic programming at Europython and extras


Le mercredi 13 juillet 2011 à 11:04 +0200, Paolo Sammicheli a écrit :
> Hi guys,

Hey Paolo,
> few weeks ago I made a talk at Europython about opportunistic programming which include, 
> of course, Quickly. On the link (1) you will find slides and the handout.
> I saved the feedback the audience provided, during my talk and after, maybe it could be 
> interesting for this list:
Thanks for sharing this with us :)

>  - A guy asked if there's a guide or an article explaining how to "quicklify" an 
> existing python project. Sort of explanation like: "quickly run" takes binary from this 
> position, "quickly edit" open this files, "quickly package" needs these files, etc. etc.

Well, I'm quite unsure that quicklifying an application will really be
easy. In addition to this, we depends on some well-known structure, make
some authoring and versionning automation, and such… Quickly is clearly
not only a "package my project tool", but rather a tool enabling
creating and working on projects easily.

>  - Another guy asked if there's a suggested way to deal with dependencies with python 
> modules that are not packaged in Ubuntu, than just included in the application.

If the dependency is in a ppa and that ppa (and additional package) is
available in the developer's machine when making quickly
package/share/release, the dependency list will be refreshed with those

>  - The last question was if the files generated in the debian directory could be 
> modified (I showed a simple change in the changelog as example) 
> and if they can be used as base for a more complex package (IE: adding dependencies to 
> packages, dividing in more packages, etc).

This will soon be possible. We can let the debian/control file in
particular untouched (as well as additional files we add), by using
quickly configure in trunk, and that will tell to fully/partially (only
deps) or not regenerate this file. So, if more fine-grained control is
needed, Quickly will offer that. However, this won't be part of the core
experience, of course ;)

> During the week I attended to many talks about Python and QT because I'm interested in 
> QtQuick and I heard about pyside assistant, that is a command line tools for automatic 
> packaging that remember me how Quickly works (2).

Great ;)
> Last thing, not related to Europython, I've some action items in the blueprint from UDS-
> O, and I will start to work on it before the end of the month and I should complete it 
> before the Oneiric Beta1. If there's some deadlines, priorities or so please just let me 
> know.

Should be fine, ensure to land features as soon as possible and we can
polish them then for beta. Thanks again on working on that :)

