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Re: Replacing manual line breaks (\\) with NOBR's



Am 21.07.2011 09:25, schrieb MyO:
Hi all, and Jendrik in particular!

After getting used to regular txt files and Textpattern's neat line
breaks conversion, I still feel a bit uncomfortable when you have to
add \\ to each single line break to actually make this single line
break seen in Preview mode and after HTML export.

Is it possible to add single line breaks automatically and use some
sort of a symbol as a NOBR signal?
This would be possible, however quite a lot would have to be carefully changed I guess. The question is if it really makes things "better" to have a linebreak by default. Personally I prefer the behaviour where I can use as many linebreaks in the edit mode as I want and still have only one paragraph in the preview. Whenever I want to separate entries into different paragraphs I just use a blank line. This way the entries are also easier to grasp in the edit mode.

I'd very much like to know what the others think. Would you prefer linebreaks or no linebreaks by default?

I know this is not a good time to suggest a replacement for the
txt2tags markup library, but how about switching to this neat markup


It's used in Textpattern CMS and is pretty similar to txt2tags in many
cases (it even supports **double-symbols markup** in addition to its
regular *one-symbol markup* ).
It also makes all the styling and all the other things easier with its
inner styling support.
The conversion from txt2tags to Textile shouldn't be too complex,
and a Python module is available.
It's always good to look at alternatives, but I think txt2tags has proven to be very well suited for RedNotebook. It has a very nice syntax and supports so many different output formats, so it's definitely woth learning the syntax.


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