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Re: Replacing manual line breaks (\\) with NOBR's


	 Hallo Jendrik & *the List*,

>I'd very much like to know what the others think. Would you prefer 
>linebreaks or no linebreaks by default?

I like the actual behavior, if I need more lines its OK with \\
I can write fast and its really to insert a new line for a break

If we change to textile what happens to my journal? My working one
goes to 2009 :)
Only one feature I miss a bit - to make a comment, not showing in *view

Thanks a lot Jendrik for this nice programm!

“Kaufen, was einem die Kartelle vorwerfen;
  lesen, was einem die Zensoren erlauben;
  glauben, was einem die Kirche und Partei gebieten.
 Beinkleider werden zur Zeit mittelweit getragen. 
      Freiheit gar nicht.”
**Kurt Tucholsky**

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