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Message #00099
Re: Configuration approach recommendations
We discussed that and we agree to implement this approach in current phase.
Regarding your modification proposals:
1) We want to keep applicable_target as a single-value field. How about if
we instead redefine plugin.get_node_processes() in the following way:
Returns all supported services and node processes for a given Hadoop
version. Each node process belongs to a single service and that
relationship is reflected in the returned dict object. See example for
Returns: dictionary having entries (service -> list of processes)
Example return value: {"mapreduce": ["tasktracker", "jobtracker"],
"hdfs": ["datanode", "namenode"]}
In that case if plugin just specifies that
applicable_target="process:jobtracker", it will be enough for controller to
identify the process/service config belongs to. If plugin specifies
applicable_target="service:mapreduce", the controller will understand that
this is a service general parameter and which processes are affected.
2) It is plugin which returns list of supported configs in get_configs()
call. The 'scope' field in the 'config' object indicates to the controller,
where the config needs to be presented to user: either on cluster level, or
on node group level. Right?
2013/5/22 Jon Maron <jmaron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> On May 22, 2013, at 9:52 AM, Dmitry Mescheryakov <
> dmescheryakov@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> *
> Hello Jon,
> We considered using services instead of processes and found that they also
> have disadvantage. The problem with the services approach is in the UI.
> Consider the following example:
> User configures node group to run MapReduce workers, i.e. TaskTrackers
> processes. It does not matter if he creates a Node Group Template, or edits
> Node Group during cluster creation, since the UI will be similar in both
> cases. Since properties are categorized by services, user is asked to fill
> in all the parameters for that service (MapReduce) including those for
> JobTracker like “JobTracker heap size”, etc. As a result user has to dig
> through many irrelevant options during configuration, which is very bad. I
> think we should not blindly copy files configuration even if users got used
> to it. We are making a web console and we should use the advantages it
> provides over editing files. I.e. if we can filter out irrelevant options
> for user, then why not do it? That does not change configuration flow much,
> but at the same time it is much more convenient for a user.
> *
> In the case above, it is true that we would return all service related
> configuration properties. However, we do specify the default values, and
> we may be able to specify components as well for the purposes of enhancing
> the UI. The user would only have to modify the values for which the
> default does not makes sense. The bottom line is that the user is
> presented with a single set of properties for a service because doing
> otherwise introduces race conditions and uncertainty with respect to which
> property value is actually used. Let me illustrate again with the name
> node and secondary name node which likely are both deployed on the same
> instance. In that case the property choices for each process/component are
> obviously the same. If a user decided to vary the values for the same
> properties based on the two separate component property selection panels,
> which property value are we expected to actually use? Remember, Hadoop
> does not configure components. These values end up in node or service
> based configuration files, so the selections from both the name node and
> secondary name node ultimately end up in the same configuration file.
> Which value selection are expected to select? Again, this is not a
> contrived example. More generally, component based configuration is simply
> not a configuration scheme with which Hadoop users are familiar. We are
> lucky enough to have multiple developers of Hadoop working in the company,
> and every single one we've spoken to has questioned the component based
> configuration of Savanna.
> *
> As for Templates, our intention is to provide all users with ability to
> create their own templates, both for Cluster and Node Group. In fact we see
> no reason to reject a user have his own templates. We just _think_ that
> users will prefer administrators or more experienced users to prepare
> templates for them, because these people should be better at Hadoop cluster
> tweaking.
> Right now the main concern we have is timing. We already spent much time
> designing phase 2 and I believe that our initial design evolved into
> something much better. But we think that it is about time to freeze specs
> we have for phase 2 and start implementing them. At the same time we can
> have a background conversation on how we can improve the design in phase 3.
> We believe that it will not be hard to change this part specifically.
> The solution for the problem we see is to unify processes and services
> categorization. Config object can have the following 2-dimensional
> “coordinates”:
> - applicable_target = <process name> | <service name> | “general”
> - scope = “node” | “cluster”
> where
> <process name> = “process:tasktracker” | “process:jobtracker” |
> “process:datanode” | …
> <service name> = “service:mapreduce” | “service:hdfs” | …
> Here is a table example parameters for various combinations of
> target/scope:
> Cluster
> Node
> Process
> Don’t use this combination, use Service/Cluster instead
> JobTracker heap size,
> Service
> dfs.replication, mapred.output.compression.type
> ?
> General
> user SSL key for cluster machines
> OS parameters like ulimits
> Again, as I said we propose to do this only after we complete Pluggable
> Provisioning Mechanism and make sure it is working. Right now we suggest to
> implement our old proposal with with processes, just to avoid further
> changes in design in this phase.
> *
> This approach is acceptable with some modification:
> 1) applicable target should be modified to a list of targets, allowing
> for the specification of service/component or general, e.g
> applicable_targets = ["service:mapreduce", "process:job tracker"]
> or
> applicable_targets = ["general"]
> 2) The scope attribute is probably unnecessary since the scope is implied
> by where the user_input is specified (It's not required for the returned
> config objects). When attached to a node_group, the scope is "node". When
> attached to the cluster object directly, the scope is "cluster".
> Also, I don't think this can wait till the next phase and I don't think it
> affects your development much for the following reasons:
> - the current form of the config and user_input objects remains unchanged.
> We are just changing some of the values
> - for the time being we can try to return the associated process as part
> of the applicable targets list so that you can at least provide a hint on
> the service configuration page (and I don't believe the UIs work has begun
> anyhow)
> But from our perspective this will greatly enhance our capability of
> implementing the plugin since the bottom line is that we need to associate
> properties to services/node. Attempting the artificial grouping of the
> properties per component/process complicates our ability to property
> structure the configuration of the Hadoop cluster.
> *
> Thanks,
> Dmitry
> *
> 2013/5/22 Jon Maron <jmaron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> We still have some concerns regarding the current configuration approach.
>> I'd like to highlight two major issues:
>> 1) Component level configuration - Configuring at the component level is
>> contrary to the Hadoop configuration approach which is structured around
>> host level configuration (as opposed to component level). Trying to
>> configure at the component level runs contrary to that configuration
>> philosophy and would likely be questioned by Hadoop users. In addition,
>> this approach can be rather error prone. For example, consider a
>> deployment in which the name node and secondary name node are hosted on the
>> same server (a not uncommon approach). Both components obviously share a
>> great deal of configuration properties. If a user is leveraging the UI and
>> is configuring these items at the component level he/she will:
>> - repeat the configuration for each component, a process that may be
>> rather frustrating
>> - will have no idea which of the settings will actually be leveraged
>> since there is essentially a race condition here - the properties
>> potentially end up in the same configuration file on the given node group,
>> so which of the properties actually win?
>> 2) There doesn't appear to be a facility for making changes that span
>> node groups. The cluster templates are essentially immutable - they are
>> created by an admin and are not seen as modifiable via the UI by users (at
>> least as far as we can tell). The other configuration alternative
>> currently is to configure the specific node groups. So, for example, how
>> do I approach the task of modifying 3 HDFS properties across all 10 node
>> groups I've defined? It seems that with the current approach I will have
>> to repeatedly make the same modifications to each node group in turn?
>> We believe both of these issues can be remedied by modifying the
>> configuration approach to be more service centric rather than component
>> centric. While the cluster template still provides for global, immutable
>> settings, allowing users to configure at the service level will allow for
>> global changes across node groups. We still want to address the node group
>> level configuration (host level overrides), so perhaps the config structure
>> could be redesigned as follows:
>> *config*
>> Describes a single config parameter.
>> name
>> description
>> type
>> Type could be string, integer, enum, array of [int, string]
>> default_value
>> is_optional
>> * service - a service name or "GENERAL"*
>> *
>> *
>> To be clear about what the service attribute values mean:
>> *service name* - this property value is a service-based property that is
>> valid at to be applied to the service across a cluster or to a specific
>> node group (i.e. the property can be applied to all instances of the
>> service across the cluster or to a specific set of hosts in a node group).
>> The scope is determined by where the user selected the property value (the
>> node group interface or the cluster interface) and specified in the
>> user_input "scope" attribute (see below)
>> *"GENERAL"* - this property value is not specific to a hadoop service.
>> It can be specified at the cluster or node group level as well.
>> * *
>> In the UI, the interfaces can provide the setting of all values. The UI
>> can categorize the properties based on service etc to present to the user.
>> If the user is in a node group configuration panel, the configuration
>> settings will be scoped to the node group. If they are in a cluster
>> template or the like, the property value should be scoped to the entire
>> cluster.
>> The user_input object remains unchanged. User input values assigned to
>> the cluster_configs attribute of the Cluster object are cluster scope
>> properties (GENERAL or service based). User input values associated to the
>> embedded node groups (node_configs attribute within a particular node_group
>> in node_groups list of the cluster object) are associated to the specific
>> node group (GENERAL or service based).
>> Again, we feel that this aligns the interface much more closely with the
>> way users interact with Hadoop. The attempt to align configuration with
>> specific service components is somewhat contrived and introduces an
>> impedance mismatch that users will probably reject.
>> --
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