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spam draft


Any suggestions before I start spamming this?

Hi all,

As a new school year approaches in much of the world, I'd like to take
a moment to point out that while we generally promote SchoolTool as a
free, open source student information system for schools, it can also
be much *less* than that, depending on your needs.

That is, since SchoolTool is free and easy to install, particularly
using modern virtual servers, you can use SchoolTool to solve specific
problems without facing the much larger issue of migrating your whole
school to a new information system.

Collect Assessment Data

Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia uses SchoolTool to create
and print regular interim reports on all students.  SchoolTool's new
Report Sheet feature facilitates collection of grades, test scores,
comments or other custom data from teachers at regular intervals.
Stop emailing spreadsheets!

Track Grades and Attendance

Jeff Elkner of the Arlington Career Academy uses SchoolTool as his
personal gradebook.  Anyone using Ubuntu Linux on their desktop or
laptop (or server in the "cloud") can easily install and use
SchoolTool as their online gradebook and attendance journal.  Schools
can offer SchoolTool as a free alternative to teachers wishing to move
their bookkeeping online.

Schedule Resources Online

The Paul Cuffee School in Providence, RI uses SchoolTool to coordinate
the use of their computer labs and laptop carts.  Teachers can check
what resources are available via SchoolTool's calendar and place
reservations online.

SchoolTool is at a point where a small community of individual users
and schools implementing the above features will do a great deal to
keep the project moving forward, and we have developer resources to
assist and respond to bug and feature requests, so please have a look
and let us know what you think.

For more information on SchoolTool, see http://schooltool.org

Tom Hoffman
SchoolTool Project Manager