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Re: Find out what sections the student is in, was in or going to be in


On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 2:29 AM, David Ally <david_ally@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I guess the issue at hand is use of terms, and this varies from country to
> country. In Nigeria, we call it session and not section. One education
> session for primary and secondary schools is approximately one education
> calendar year, comprising 3 terms, 1st, 2nd and 3rd term. Tertiary use a
> different arrangement.
> With this ambiguity of  terms taken care of, the solution i can suggest is
> to create special duration for each program a training school offers, assign
> calendar to them, and assign teachers to each training program. The training
> school have programs they offer in specific time slots, already, all the
> training program offering for 2010, should by now be known, so you can
> delineate based on time the programs are available, know that time is the
> crucial thing, a teacher cannot be assigned two classes at the same time on
> the same day.

Cases we don't handle well now:

* sections that have ad hoc durations that don't correspond to terms.
* sections that go on for indefinite periods of time (e.g., online courses).
* sections that cross school year boundaries.

Also, the UI for multi-term sections is still a bit rough.

