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Re: Debug - import a costume using journal widget


On 26.02.2010, at 00:13, Chris Ball wrote:
> Hi Bert,
> Claudia showed me her experiences with the new Scratch integration.
> She has an XO-1 running 0.82, and an XO-1.5 running 0.84 -- importing
> a costume using an image file from the journal works on 0.84, and not
> on 0.82.  (The reason that the DataStore.Find(uid=..) is failing isn't
> obvious to me, but maybe one of the Sugar developers would know what's
> up.)
> On both machines, it looks like Scratch projects downloaded to the
> journal are not recognized as Scratch files -- perhaps the MIME type
> isn't registered -- and so they aren't shown in the "Import" dialog
> inside Scratch.
> Let me know if there's anything you'd like me to try, thanks,

This is strange.

I just reinstalled os802 on my old XO-1 B4 machine, firmware q2e41. Let it update default activity set which installs Scratch-12. Patched it thus:

	cd Activities/Scratch.activity
	wget http://dev.laptop.org/~bert/scratch/ScratchXO-bf-Feb23.zip
	mv ScratchXO.image ScratchXO.image.bak
	unzip ScratchXO-bf-Feb23.zip

In Browse, copied a PNG to the clipboard (the bear thumbnail from the pre-installed images), saved to Journal. Went to scratch.mit.edu, logged in, downloaded a project (some Dinosaur by Theah). 

Quit Browse, ran Scratch, opened the project without problem. Also imported the PNG as costume without a problem.

So this is puzzling ... can you confirm the mime types of the failing Journal entries?

- Bert -
