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Re: Install on RedHat/Fedora/CentOS


Hi Kevin,

Yes- if the Fedora squeak-vm rpms aren't a good solution right now, it would
be best to just install our own vm as the Ubuntu version currently does.  I
can install Fedora on my machine with virtual box and do a little testing
when you need it. It's been a while since I played with it (about 7 years
probably), but I should be able to find my way around well enough to do
basic testing.

Just use SVN - I don't really know what trac is or does either. If you need
to change the source other than just adding the spec file, let me know and
I'll make a fork so the two versions don't cause problems for eachother, but
hopefully you won't have to. I recently checked in some changes to the icon
files, (removed the #1 from the end to make scratch.png instead of
scratch1.png), but I think that's all that's different from the last tarball
- or maybe some minor makefile fixes that just clean things up a little
better but shouldn't change the output.

Scratch On!


On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 8:40 PM, Kevin Somervill <ksomervi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:

> MC Amos Blanton cold spun it on 03/23/2010 12:39 PM:
>  Hi Kevin,
>> Ah - thanks for all the work you've done on this! We are really grateful.
>> I'm going to see about setting up our repository so we can check in your
>> code someplace such that others can easily add things to it, like perhaps
>> the Scratch Sugar activity (don't know much about that, Bert - but it sounds
>> cool!).
> No problem.
>  re: sqeak-vm - hopefully it should be as easy as:
>> 1. copying the following Scratch - specific plugins that are compiled as
>> part of the Scratch build process:
>>   - ScratchPlugin
>>   - UnicodePlugin
>>   - CameraPlugin
>>   ...into the Squeak-vm's Plugin directory. The scratch startup script
>> should reference that folder and the vm.
> I looked into the Fedora rpms and they won't install on my CentOS box. I
> think CentOS is too far back for what Fedora tracks.  I can install the
> squeak rpm from the squeak website, but I think it would be better to be
> fedora compatible.  In looking through what the other rpms provide, I agree.
>  I thought all of the plugins were scratch plugins, but only a couple are.
>  I'll make an rpm spec for a standalone install, like what we have now, but
> try to match up with the file structure squeak and the ubuntu installs do
> (they should be the same).  I can make another rpm that requires squeak rpm,
> but I can't test it against fedora, only the squeak mainline rpm.  This
> summer when my kids have finished school and it won't leave them in a lurch,
> I can switch to Fedora and make better rpms.  Been thinking about switching
> to fedora anyways.
> If you re-invite me to assembla (sorry about the delay), I'll check in the
> spec file I've got and work on how to integrate making the rpm into the
> package.  Do I use the trac or svn interface?  I must be getting old, not
> heard of trac.
> ./ks

