2011/3/14 Amos Blanton<amos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Hi Miry,
Ah - yes - we do plan to also offer a version of Scratch 2.0 that can be
downloaded so that users can still work on projects offline. It will likely
run as a local flash application. It's still probably about 1 year out
Cool! :)
Your improved package sounds great - can you say a bit about what you've
changed / added / fixed?
My main concern was to make it work with pre-packaged squeak vm and
natively in 64 bits, so I'm just compiling the plugins for whichever
architecture it is, I got rid of all the pre-compiled stuff, and I
added a script to properly start the image, using both the
pre-installed plugins in the system and the scratch-specific ones. Oh,
and the plugin names must now begin with so.*
I have touched a lot of files related to the packaging, but from an
overall view, I would say that those are the most important changes. I
also divided the package into three: the arch-dependant stuff, the
arch-independent stuff (aka data) and the debugging symbols (of the
plugins). I think that's mostly all. It is still a hack, I wanted to
package it properly and maybe upload it to Debian at some point, but
if it is more or less unmaintained, if I did, I would probably have to
personally take care of the bugs and the fixes and that might be too
much work for me. But for an unofficial package I think it's quite OK
In fact, I have to teach scratch to some kids, so needed to package
it. But to be honest that has been my first contact with Squeak and
Scratch, so I don't consider myself capable of fixing problems on it.
It's a very nice system though :)