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Re: miry approved by amos-scratch



This is great! I was under the impression that there were issues with the pre-packaged squeak-vm on Ubuntu that prevented us from using it. This kept us from solving the 64 bit packaging problem.

I plan to test your package out soon but am a bit swamped at the moment -- have you found any problems? If it all works , I'm inclined to commit your packaging changes to the assembla repository and rebuild an "official" package based on your code. We would maintain it. You haven't made any changes to the Squeak code, right - just the packaging?

One thing to rule out first: Squeak changed some sound primitives in later versions of the VM that should break sound in current versions of Scratch. Not sure exactly how - maybe a pink box, or maybe it'll crash. But if you are using updated VMs, we should test sound thoroughly.


On 03/14/2011 07:20 PM, Miriam Ruiz wrote:
2011/3/14 Amos Blanton<amos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Hi Miry,

Ah - yes  - we do plan to also offer a version of Scratch 2.0 that can be
downloaded so that users can still work on projects offline. It will likely
run as a local flash application. It's still probably about 1 year out
Cool! :)

Your improved package sounds great - can you say a bit about what you've
changed / added / fixed?
My main concern was to make it work with pre-packaged squeak vm and
natively in 64 bits, so I'm just compiling the plugins for whichever
architecture it is, I got rid of all the pre-compiled stuff, and I
added a script to properly start the image, using both the
pre-installed plugins in the system and the scratch-specific ones. Oh,
and the plugin names must now begin with so.*

I have touched a lot of files related to the packaging, but from an
overall view, I would say that those are the most important changes. I
also divided the package into three: the arch-dependant stuff, the
arch-independent stuff (aka data) and the debugging symbols (of the
plugins). I think that's mostly all. It is still a hack, I wanted to
package it properly and maybe upload it to Debian at some point, but
if it is more or less unmaintained, if I did, I would probably have to
personally take care of the bugs and the fixes and that might be too
much work for me. But for an unofficial package I think it's quite OK

In fact, I have to teach scratch to some kids, so  needed to package
it. But to be honest that has been my first contact with Squeak and
Scratch, so I don't consider myself capable of fixing problems on it.
It's a very nice system though :)


Follow ups
