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[Question #650551]: Finding an image/object inside a captured image


New question #650551 on Sikuli:

I have requirement, to work with tree structure using Sikuli(1.1.0) with Java 

On the Application Under Test, we have multiple expand buttons(+) with unique labels.
Using Sikuli I am able to identify the lables along with expand button(+).

As per my requirement I want to click on expand button(+) containing particular label, I tried with following code to find expand button(+) using the image which is captured with label & expand button.

        Settings.MinSimilarity = 0.5;
        int x = s.find("Label1.PNG").getX();
        int y = s.find("Label1.PNG").getY();
        int w = s.find("Label1.PNG").getW();
        int h = s.find("Label1.PNG").getH();
        Region abc = s.setRect(x, y, w, h);        

While running, I am getting following error:
Exception in thread "main" FindFailed: can not find C:\expand.PNG in S(0)[0,0 1600x900]
  Line 2189, in file Region.java

	at org.sikuli.script.Region.handleFindFailedShowDialog(Region.java:2189)
	at org.sikuli.script.Region.handleFindFailed(Region.java:2134)
	at org.sikuli.script.Region.wait(Region.java:2546)
	at org.sikuli.script.Region.find(Region.java:2205)
	at com.aa.bb.cc.dd.ee.ff(TEST.java:62)
	at com.aa.bb.cc.dd.ee.ff(TEST.java:26)

Is it possible to find inside object of the image if yes,please share the information?

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