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bug 716435 - suggested solution


Hi devs!

This bug report was a suggestion to prompt a user to review an app before
uninstalling it, to which mpt responded with a very valid point (see below):

Quote (mpt)
The main reason I haven't specified this before:

I.e., prompting people to review things they're removing, but not things
they're keeping, could bias reviews negatively.

This got me thinking. Once someone has installed an app via USC, when do
they get the opportunity to review it? In my own experience, once I've
installed an app, I'm generally not viewing it again in USC unless I'm
uninstalling, so I would never review it. So, even without prompting users
to review apps upon removal, I think our reviews will naturually pull to the
negative side just because users aren't necessarily going to take the time
to review apps they have installed.

My proposed solution:
Upon opening USC we currently "have X recommendations for you". I think we
should have something similar here like "You recently installed X
applications and haven't reviewed them yet. Click here to help out others by
giving your opinion"
Clicking could then take you to the history of installed apps where the user
can invoke a review on any app they have installed (or removed I guess)
We would only bother them with this lobby screen prompt for apps that have
been installed over a week or so ago (to give them time to try it before

This should be pretty easy to implement too.
