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Re: Update BIOS (only Linux installed)


On Mi, 02 Dez 2009, David Svanberg wrote:
> I thought I could google - but since I seem to need to learn some more maybe you Norbert could give me the keys to success?

	sony laptop zseries bios update
you will find an entry on mail-archive, go there, search the list archives
on mail-arhcive for "bios update" and soon oyu will find:
Took about 20secs ...

Now, for that lecture I would like to ask a payment of 3000 Eur compensation.

Or the guarantee that you do not ask stupid questions like this again.

> I think - Norbert - that you have a too large signature in your replies - it wastes my inbox space.

Ah, and that is the reason why you do TOFU posting (if you do not know
what that is, google is your friend: "tofu posting" and "I'm feeling lucky")
That wastes *MUCH* more space.

BTW, you got one answer for a question that was not asked before (or at
least not recently):

> > I was thinking - could this BIOS update be executed within Crossover/Wine - but I have a vague sense that this might not be a good idea... I don't know why but it is something about these sandboxes that scares me. Or should I dare?
> Bad bad bad idea, don't even try it!!!

What else do you want???



Dr. Norbert Preining                                        Associate Professor
JAIST Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology   preining@xxxxxxxxxxx
Vienna University of Technology                               preining@xxxxxxxx
Debian Developer (Debian TeX Task Force)                    preining@xxxxxxxxxx
gpg DSA: 0x09C5B094      fp: 14DF 2E6C 0307 BE6D AD76  A9C0 D2BF 4AA3 09C5 B094
A lump of something gristly and foultasting concealed in a mouthful of
stew or pie. Grimsbies are sometimes merely the result of careless
cookery, but more often they are placed there deliberately by
Freemasons. Grimbies can be purchased in bulk from any respectable
Masonic butcher on giving him the secret Masonic handbag. One is then
placed correct masonic method of dealing with it. If the guest is not
a Mason, the host may find it entertaining to watch how he handles the
obnoxious object. It may be (a) manfully swallowed, invariably
bringing tears to the eyes. (b) chewed with resolution for up to
twenty minutes before eventually resorting to method (a) (c) choked on
fatally. The Masonic handshake is easily recognised by another Mason
incidentally, for by it a used grimsby is passed from hand to
hand. The secret Masonic method for dealing with a grimsby is as
follows : remove it carefully with the silver tongs provided, using
the left hand. Cross the room to your host, hopping on one leg, and
ram the grimsby firmly up his nose, shouting, 'Take that, you smug
Masonic bastard.'
			--- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff
