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Re: [Call For Spreading The Word] StartUbuntu in your Local/Native Language



I'll soon continue my work with promoting Linux at my school, though all the students laptops are running Windows 7 (we get all that equipment from the school). For me that doesn't really make any difference to XP as it is slow as hell compared to even standard Ubuntu (with Unity). I hope this is not a problem for the scope of this project as I see the general goal is to get linux out to all the windows users. But of course the focus is on XP as support is ending.

I was thinking about some stuff needed to get in contact with people and make them interested, namly some kind of poster etc. So I'll start working on marketing material which can be printed and spread. I also think that the most effective way to engage, in my case, younger people currently not knowing anything about how computers work, is to create some kind of event where you can tell about differences, advantages and then help people install a new Linux OS (of their choice). Put simply: direct confrontation ;)

What do you think? Any tips and help is appreciated! What would be the best way of tackling real world confrontation with Windows users in order to convince them to try linux?

I'll be thinking about solutions and start preparing some kind of program for a new-to-linux event. Again, help and ideas appreciated!

Note that I'm not doing any events or that for now, I'm just in the phase of figuring out how to best prepare and realize them!



On 24.09.2013 17:30, Ali Linx (amjjawad) wrote:
Hi StartUbuntu Team :)

With the introductory email, I have asked each one of those who replied to actually help with spreading the word by posting, writing, sharing, etc about StartUbuntu Project.

Mission is quite easy and it is not hard at all:

1- This is the Wiki Page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StartUbuntu
2- This is what we can do: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StartUbuntu/Activities#Introduction 3- To make it simple and short: if you have any kind of sites (Social Media, Blog, Website, etc) then PLEASE, write something about this project and publish/share it :)

That is all :)

You do not need to translate the whole page, NO, please do not do that for now. Let's KISS (Keep It Simple and Short) so that we can be direct to the point with less efforts. I do understand that each one of us is actually busy with something else. So, we need to be reasonable and take it easy but work hard to our target.

I have seen SO many people with different languages. We are not more than 40 members!!!
However, I have not seen anything yet from you :(

I want to READ so show me what you got :D

This is not for me, this is for the Project and this is NOT for the Project, this is for Linux and that is our goal and target, to spread the word of Linux and it happened that we do have some tools, these are Ubuntu and its official variants ;)

Thank you!


P.S. 2
FEEL FREE to use ANY wallpaper/artwork inside the above link ;)

Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."
Best Regards,
amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad>
Areas of Involvement <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/AreasOfInvolvement>
My Projects <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/Projects>
