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syncany-team team mailing list archive

Gradle support (first tests)


Hello everyone,

we decided to switch back to the mailing list, so here's the 'first' post
again :-)
For those of you who don't know: Syncany is back in active development
here: https://github.com/binwiederhier/syncany

Gradle: Vincent, I took your sample and pushed it to Github for the others
to try. Steffen, Fabrice, can you test if you get this to work in Eclipse.
I like how it's just a Java project, no Eclipse plugins required (!).

$ git clone https://github.com/binwiederhier/syncany-gradle
$ cd syncany-gradle
$ ./gradlew eclipse

- Open Eclipse, select workspace /tmp/workspace
- File -> Import ... -> Select "syncany-core"
- Repeat for other syncany-* folders


Follow ups