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Re: LiveCD issues Was:(Re: jwm-settings-manager update)


Hi Nio,
On 05/06/2015 10:54 AM, Nio Wiklund wrote:
> Den 2015-05-06 15:39, Israel skrev:
>> On 05/06/2015 08:04 AM, Nio Wiklund wrote:
>> ... 
> Hi Israel,
> A. I don't think I understand. I intended to try to help getting nano to
> work, so I need the environment for doing that. Is that what you call
> the iso maker scripts?
Nano works fine in the installed system (I use it often).
Nano does NOT work in the liveCD (as you well know).
So, in order to test it, you need to build the liveCD.
The ISO maker scripts make the ISO (think NioWill scripts for 9w...
except automated)
> 1. Get the current ToriOS iso file. Mount it. OK
> 2. What should I extract from the iso file? The iso maker scripts? What
> names? Where should I put them? Do I need to extract and or install
> something else?
extract the tarball

IF you want to build the ISO from the ISOmaker scripts


you can branch the entire thing if you like
mostly you need to
chmod +x ISOmaker chroot.bash chroot2.bash isolinux-chroot.bash

then run
the first time it will run for a very long time.... it will need to
download everything to make the deboostrap, then tar it up.  THEN it
will also need to download everything to make the liveCD environment
(torios-live, jwm, jwm-settings-manager, obi-installer, mkusb, etc.. etc..)
Then it will build....  and soon enough... you will have a live CD.

testing would be tweaking the chroot.bash OR chroot2.bash scripts used
by ISOmaker
to try to make nano not segfault...

The other option would be to try to figure out what nano needs that we
are not giving it....

> B. There is no check that the tarball is an OS. It is possible to do it
> - at least check for some files, that should be there - I do something
> similar in mkusb in order to see if it is 'iso-testing', installing the
> same system (but the next daily build). Then the USB pendrive is
> selected automatically.
> Yes, the OBI will fail, if certain files are missing. For example, we
> have already found the /etc/fstab should be there (do you remember)?
haha, oh yeah of course :)  that was a huge issue... how could I forget
that!  Wow, we have come remarkably far since those early days of trying
to figure out how in the world to build an OS :D
You are completely right!  So those checks should be sufficient to stop
something bad from happening if a user clicks on their:
 funny-cat-videos.tar.xz file
instead of:
my-supercool-os.tar.xz file
that was my only real concern.  I know in theory it should be hard to
accidentally do that, but either way... it would fail, thanks for
reminding me!!
> Best regards
> Nio


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