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Message #00241
Re: [Torios] zsync
Hi could you send me a copy of
This would be helpful I think :)
On 05/22/2015 07:34 AM, Nio Wiklund wrote:
> Sorry Israel,
> I tried again - the installed system went into JWM by default, and it
> did not work. I logged out and in again into the ToriOS session. But it
> was the same problem with for example nm-applet. I also rebooted and
> logged into ToriOS (without going into JWM), and still had these problems.
> Best regards
> Nio
> Den 2015-05-22 14:15, Israel skrev:
>> Hi,
>> These regressions are likely part of the test to set gtk themes without
>> using a gtk-3.0 folder..
>> However, make sure you are running JWM rather than ToriOS from lightdm.
>> That could be the issue. If that was the issue I would be most glad :)
>> Both of these issue would be related to consolekit/polkit
>> So either you are not running ToriOS (which does ck-launch jwm) or I
>> modified something in starttorios or the xinitrc script when I was
>> modifying them to fix the liveCD wifi bug, as well as when I started
>> working to make gtk icons/theme load via gsettings and gconf
>> Please double check if you are running ToriOS at lightdm, rather than JWM
>> On 05/22/2015 12:47 AM, Nio Wiklund wrote:
>>> Den 2015-05-22 06:53, Cinque Port Computers skrev:
>>>> Hi Israel,
>>>> Latest iso, shutdown and restart from shutdown menu popout seem to have
>>>> no effect.
>>>> JackT.
>>>> PS: I get a working nm-applet by typing: > sudo nm-applet &
>>> Hi Israel,
>>> Shutdown and restart work for me in the live session (and the current
>>> iso file).
>>> The icon for zmktbl on the desktop is green and the corresponding icon
>>> in the menu is red. You forgot to use a red icon for the desktop.
>>> I installed the system and will test also there :-)
>>> Network is disabled in my installed system :-) I'm spoiled with
>>> automatic connection of my wired network, but not this time. So this is
>>> really a regression. What has changed, Israel? Is it the change that
>>> made Interprog happy, that is spoiled after undoing some other recent
>>> tweaks?
>>> sudo nm-applet
>>> works for me too.
>>> I did not find any configuration file in the user's home directory owned
>>> by root, and I don't know where to look for it. But something is really
>>> wrong in this installed system. Maybe you can go back and use an older
>>> tarball or a older version of the script that creates the tarball, and
>>> start from there.
>>> Shutdown and restart (in the menu) fails for me in the installed system
>>> (installed from the current iso file). Restart via the gxmessage window
>>> fails too. But
>>> sudo poweroff
>>> in a terminal window works.
>>> Best regards
>>> Nio
ToriOS Team