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Re: ISO rezsync


On 04/02/2016 10:19 AM, Cinque Port Computers wrote:
Thanks for progress update Israel; you have great stamina :)

Hi again everyone!

I just tested the Debian version, and things seemed to work well there. There is still an issue with some of the scripts, but I will get that sorted out soon.
This will fix minor issues on both precise and jessie based ToriOS versions

I fixed the issue with the menu editor part of jwm-settings-manager.
basically i wrote a function to test xml elements, and applied it to all these parts that had some issues. Shutdown now works in precise and jessie flawlessly. The reason it broke, is that it changes the colours it uses for buttons/background/text based on the jwm theme in use, so these segfaults were due to the library I use, and the way it handles xml elements, and were fixed and I added those fixes to a number of things.

I wont go into detail and geek out unless someone is interested :D


Follow ups
