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Re: 19dec2016 Testing ISO


Den 2016-12-21 kl. 00:31, skrev Israel:
On 12/20/2016 12:53 AM, Nio Wiklund wrote:
Den 2016-12-20 kl. 06:53, skrev Israel:
Hi All,

I do think I've gotten it now.

I removed something from our xdg autostart that may have been causing
the issue, and rebuilt the ISO.

It is uploaded and relinked, please give it a test, I tested it a few
times, so it works as far as I can tell, but Jack you are the expert on
this specific issue, so please tell me how it goes.

So here is the TODO list before we can present 1.5 to Ali (I am calling
this ToriOS 1.5 since our release schedule is more like Debian "It will
be released when ready")

- get Jack's issue fixed

- if possible refine OBI to have a better, faster user configuration
which makes the user only select their language (or keyboard layout) and
automatically configures the timezone/locale/keyboard correctly. (This
is a bit of work, but if we can get it done by 2.0 at least... I'd be

- test JSM 2.0 to make sure it actually works for other people than just
myself :D

- finish/fix bugs for JSM 2.0

I already found a bug in the menus that crept in, but I have since fixed
it.  It was preventing certain menu items from existing (thunderbird in
my case)  The fix is NOT in this ISO you will have to update it and
possibly remove some cache files for it to work...

@Nio, or @Jack if there is an issue I am forgetting please remind me.

Does the network work well for you in these recent releases?  I modified
the hosts, and resolv.conf in ISOmaker to fix this.

Also, I have begun work on Debian unstable testing ISO (aka sid), which
will become 'stretch' i.e. Debian 9.0 for ToriOS 2.0.  So far so good.
But alot of changes have needed to happen in ISOmaker to support
building from unstable, and it is not yet finished.

Thanks again for all your help in testing/ideas/etc..  I really
appreciate you!

Hi Israel,

1. I will zsync the new iso file and test it :-)

2. I'm not sure when I will have time for the language setting issue.

3. Right now I'm busy with the development of the new mkusb (guidus)
and environments for it to make it easier to move from Windows to linux.

Together with C.S.Cameron at the Ubuntu Forums I am testing
stand-alone compressed image files, iso files and even self-extracting
exe files for Windows with small systems. ToriOS might fit here too,
either a live system without tarball, or the tarball converted to a
compressed image file, ToriOS-x.x.img.xz

We have small 9w iso files, image files and self-extracting exe files
with sizes 230-250 MiB, and we are considering torrents to make them
easy to get even with slow or unstable internet connections.

Byt the way, the idea of a ToriOS live system without a tarball would
solve a long lasting problem: to make sure that the íso file is within
CD size. A tarball can be downloaded separately, and connected via
some other media, for example a USB pendrive. This way it will also be
straight-forward to provide different flavours of ToriOS - tarballs
with different properties (and size will not longer be critical).

Best regards

Hi Nio,

I agree.  I think the dltbl part of OBI should be modified and
expanded.  We could 'wget' the list from your directory on Phill's
server and populate a list with it.

Also, I can expand the initial tarball search code in a separate file to
browse through all the attached media devices, and also look on harddrives.

We already solved the issue of unmounting the tarball device... I have
installed a tarball from a separate partition on more than one occasion

This may be the best way to provide ToriOS 2.0

We can offer 2 live versions as well, the minimal version we are using,
and a version with jwm-settings-manager.

Hi Israel,

This is looking like a plan :-)

Best regards
