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Message #01466
Re: Testing Debian Stretch
Hi Jack
On 03/02/2018 04:06 AM, Cinque Port Computers wrote:
> Hi Israel,
> I installed this one ok in graphics mode in VB with the following
> initial observations:
> 1) Asking for autologin did not work, as I had to login, and using
> Common Tasks to change it didn't change it either.
Yes I know about this bug. Debian Stretch does things very differently
I have tried a few ways of doing this, but I am not familiar enough with
how to do this yet to fix it, thank you for reminding me!
> 2) Trying to use Common Tasks to install several common browsers never
> worked; mostly it kept taking me via the builtin Links 2 "browser" to
> the requested browser's website.
This is a good catch, I think I have not updated that to fully support
Debian stretch. I will look into the code and see what I need to do to
fix things. it could also be that the architecture being 686 is the
issue. I will check on some things.
> That's it for now.
> Cheers,
> Jack
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thanks for testing so quickly!
Did you have any issues booting, or did that go smoothly?
Follow ups