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Message #01464
Re: Testing Debian Stretch
Hi Israel,
I installed this one ok in graphics mode in VB with the following initial observations:
1) Asking for autologin did not work, as I had to login, and using Common Tasks to change it didn't change it either.
2) Trying to use Common Tasks to install several common browsers never worked; mostly it kept taking me via the builtin Links 2 "browser" to the requested browser's website.
That's it for now.
From: Israel <israeldahl@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: 02 March 2018 5:03 AM
To: torios- dev; || ΣΖΟ ||; Nio Wiklund; Cinque Port Computers
Subject: Testing Debian Stretch
Hi everyone,
I have an ISO available for testing:
The zsync is:
This ISO is really big... we are just doing some initial testing with
Stretch here...
Here are the quirks:
The installed system is missing Numix Circle icons, but they are present
in the live ISO. This is because I am using the Ubuntu Bionic PPA for
numix, which does not yet have the icons present. I used the xenial PPA
on the ISO, so the live version has the icons.
There may be something quirky in the boot process... please test and
find bugs :)
OH, big change, I almost forgot to mention.... this boots to the
text-mode-menu, which is a dialog menu. Let me know if anything is
confusing or doesn't work right...
Follow ups