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Message #01572
migration from zenity to FLTK stuff
I have been really busy lately with real life stuff... lots of things
going on...
Anyhow, I finished an initial test for an FLTK based (X11) volume indicator.
There are some obvious issues:
- background does reflect the background of the dock... the place where
the icon goes, but it looks OK on default ToriOS theme.
- icon looks pretty terrible.
- preferences dialog crashes
- no way to configure it.
- volume slider works counter-intuitively (down is up)
But... all those issues aside, it does indeed work for ALSA. You can
watch the volume change, and modify it with the slider.
I have some initial code for the scroll button to change volume, but
have not implemented it.
IF you want to give it a try update your repos, and install
then run it from a terminal (same name as package)
this will run it side-by-side with the current one so you can see how
bad it looks, and how well it actually reflects the changes (it does
work nicely)
This means, I can eventually (probably) move the battery icon into a
similar one, or perhaps make the volume one handle either, just run with
a different argument.
Feel free to test it.
I also have started work on moving all the little programs into little
binaries. I have the askpass program already moved to FLTK binary, and
will work on the about dialog, and eventually the others.
Follow ups