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Hi everyone,

I modified things so that the original code is now different.

I moved it into fltk-indicator (though I still provide fltk-battery and

You can now have a mostly working battery indicator (not everything
works yet).

And a fully working volume indicator.

I will modify the torios-volume and torios-battery scripts to run these
versions, if they exist, or default back to the current code.

I will try to migrate things gently and without incident, but only once
I get everything fully working in the battery indicator.

I still need to add in a preferences and the ability to suspend on
laptop lid close, as it is in the current version.

But now the package to install is fltk-indicator.  There are menu items,
so you can launch it easily from the menu.  I have not tested the
package yet... so there may be issues :)

But this is a major step to limiting GTK and the visual disparity that
comes with using FLTK and GTK programs together.
