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Re: Progress...



I will try and update the manual at some point with the new information,
 if we are removing GTK does this mean most of the apps are going to go,
 i am guessing we are doing this in order to reduce space or resource usage.


On 14/09/18 08:25, Nio Wiklund wrote:
> Den 2018-09-13 kl. 21:49, skrev Israel:
>> Hi all,
>> I have been spending a fair bit of time investigating some of the
>> remaining issues to fully remove GTK from ToriOS.
>> 3 major hurdles are visible to me.
>> 1. Display Manager (lightdm).
>>    I am investigating the systemd APIs to discover if I can write a very
>> simple login manager, since there is really no good alternatives that I
>> have found yet.
>> 2. PCManFM
>>    I am not sure what to completely do here.  I could have fun writing an
>> app for this, but I am not sure about the more complicated aspects
>> (gvfs/samba/sftp/volume management).  I have not found a good (i.e. one
>> that compiles without modification... like tons of warnings and errors)
>> FLTK file manager yet.
>> So I am not sure if this is something that will happen... but that
>> said... I do really enjoy programming so I *might* work up something
>> here...
>> 3. Installer
>> This seems less important actually.  The live CD can have extra things
>> more so than the installed version.  But the earlier discussions seemed
>> to indicated the real usage of OBI was not as valuable as it used to be.
>> However it may still be nice to use an existing one (like d-i aka Debian
>> Installer) and work with things that way.
>> So if anyone knows of a good display manager lets try it, or a good
>> working file manager.. or an installer that they can (or I can) modify
>> to install ToriOS without having to fork it majorly
> Hi Israel,
> 3. Installer
> - Have a look at Calamares, that is being implemented by the Lubuntu
> team for 18.10. (I don't know what packages it depends on.)
> - If you want something simple and light-weight, I think d-i (the text
> mode Debian Installer) is a good alternative.
> Best regards
> Nio

Paul Sutton
Friendi.ca :zleap@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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