You will find your answers in the order of arrival one after the
other instead of reverse
side, and my answer at the bottom.
On 01/18/2014 05:44 PM, JM wrote:
On Sat, 18 Jan 2014 15:34:02 -0600
Israel <israel@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I can work on some artwork if need be. I make a lot of art
anyhow, and
would be glad to help out.
What would I need to make?
Default Background
OpenBox theme
Hi Israel,
Thanks for your offer!
The first thing to be done on which the rest of the theme will be
based upon is a
background. I think I saw something said by William somewhere, where
it is stated so. So
one or several versions of backgrounds would be the way to start.
We also need one or several mockups for a logo.
Best regards,
On 01/19/2014 08:10 AM, Israel wrote:
Ok, I will start on it, and post something as soon as I feel like it
is worth posting!
I will also work on a logo, and make a few iterations of different
things and post those all together when I get something ready.
On Sun, 19 Jan 2014 08:19:04 -0600
William <william@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The website leans heavily on RBG values: 128, 179, 255
yesterday Ali expressed that the website should not have been done
before the
artwork. I told him that you, as a web designer and other web
designers on this list are
able to modify the skin of the website, forum and wiki at any time in
the future.
If not, then maybe Ali was right. However, I think the forum is a
good place for all
artwork propositions to be presented and voted for. So why not have a
temporary skin and
style on the website forum and so on, and see later what comes out?
If more than one graphists volunteer to submit artwork, then it will
be great to have a
choice and be able to vote rather for one artwork or the other.
Artists need some freedom in their expression, which leads me to
this: you might not want
to stick too hard to the colors you have setup so far. ;-)
On the other side, have you already started to create a few sections
on the ToriOS forum?
Best regards,