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font chooser (and other jwm-settings-manager stuff)


Hi everyone,
I am test building the latest jwm-settings-manager on my machine.
I am going to push a major update to the Font selection sub-program
I have a font chooser window that is (nearly) like most GTK font chooser
You can change the size from within the window now.  There are a few
minor glitches to getting it fully functional, but doing this allowed me
to shrink the size of the main font window and make it more clean
looking.  I also removed the 'Advanced' tab, as I think I will add a
button to each font to configure the multitude of options, and there was
nothing on that tab anyhow, so it was pointless.

I also fixed the issues with remove an icon directory.

I am basically just in bug fixing and clean-up mode for this version. 
Once it is finished I'll release 1.0 and be on to reworking some of the
usability issues I have discovered.


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