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Re: Ubucon Europe - Current Plannings


Hi Sujeevan!

Thanks for joining the group and for willing to help in organising next
years Ubucon. :)

It's a pleasure :)

which didn't fully covered our costs. This year we will have an fee of 15€.

Good price!

On Saturday evening there will be a second social event, probably on another place nearby.

Maybe a good idea will be include that into the price. Why? Because if you have it included, you'll go, then, all assistants will go to the party :)

## The place

You'll do it, then I think you choose it :) I'm sure you'll choose the best :D

## The money

I don't know how is in Germany, but in Spain, we have municipality centers for 0€. Could be an option there?

Anyway more sponsors would be better. Otherwise the entrance fee needs
to be higher.

We could ask Canonical about a help for this. I think previous UbuconLAs was ~1000$ (not sure about this).

## Talks and workshops

The Ubucon Europe will be focused on englisch talks and workshops, but
we're also planning to allow german talks, because we don't think there
will be many people from other countries who are joining.


## The website

(ubucon.de) we use Drupal. I think we must not stick to drupal, we can
also use another CMS. Is anybody willing to help here? E.g. I personally
like the webpage of Europython a lot more

What about copy/paste Ubuconla? I could ask about the template. I think is wordpress (?).

## Advertising

We do need a lot of advertising on all the other european locos. So
hopefully we will have many attendees from different countries! :)

+1 From me LoCo :) But not now, more close to the dates :)

Thanks a lot team!

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