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Re: Ubucon Europe - Current Plannings


Hi Costales!

Am 11.06.2015 um 19:57 schrieb costales:
>> Thanks for joining the group and for willing to help in organising next
>> years Ubucon. :)
> It's a pleasure :)


>> On Saturday evening there will be a second social event, probably on
>> another place nearby.
> Maybe a good idea will be include that into the price. Why? Because if
> you have it included, you'll go, then, all assistants will go to the
> party :)

I don't fully understand what you mean. We're usually doing a social
event on another place, because it's a bit better to move to another
place if you were sitting in the same place for the whole day.

>> ## The money
> I don't know how is in Germany, but in Spain, we have municipality
> centers for 0€. Could be an option there?

Nope, you have to pay money to those mostly too. If we're getting the
university for free, that would be good enough. :)

>> Anyway more sponsors would be better. Otherwise the entrance fee needs
>> to be higher.
> We could ask Canonical about a help for this. I think previous UbuconLAs
> was ~1000$ (not sure about this).

We're getting 1500€ for this year ubuconDE from the Ubuntu Community
Dontations. I think we can get something much higher for ubucon.eu. Even
though it'll doesn't cover all our costs. So we definitely need more
than one sponsor.

>> ## The website
>> (ubucon.de) we use Drupal. I think we must not stick to drupal, we can
>> also use another CMS. Is anybody willing to help here? E.g. I personally
>> like the webpage of Europython a lot more
>> (https://ep2014.europython.eu/).
> What about copy/paste Ubuconla? I could ask about the template. I think
> is wordpress (?).

The site itself doesn't look too bad. Anyway I dislike that they're
using google forms the registration. I think I will try some/different
django-based sites.

>> ## Advertising
>> We do need a lot of advertising on all the other european locos. So
>> hopefully we will have many attendees from different countries! :)
> +1 From me LoCo :) But not now, more close to the dates :)

Great and sure!

