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The Road To 0.3


Hi Folks,

Firstly, thanks again to everyone for all your hard work in
dellivering our 0.2 release. Quite some buzz is growing around the
project: see the growth details in the blog entry I just posted at

I have had a pretty hectic week, but I would like to start putting
some plans in place for 0.3. These are some of the key themes I would
like to propose:

 * Web Gallery Public Beta - Janos/Gabriel/etc - I would love to see
if we can deploy a very first beta of the Web Gallery for our users. I
am talking with a colleague about how we can deploy your codebase. I
should have more details on this soon.
 * Expanded Collections - Jono/s-fox/cprofitt/ - I am really keen to
expand our UCA and UDA collections to feature more opportunities, and
make them more compelling than ever.
 * GUI Refinements- Rafal/Jono - just before we released 0.2 Rafal and
I were discussing that we need a better way of presenting My Trophies
- for those with many trophies, it is not very easy to filter. I think
we can learn some lessons from the design work for the Web Gallery
here (e.g. filtering by collection, showing recent trophies etc).
 * Hardening Twisted - Rafal/Jono - in 0.2 Rafal started looking at
our ScriptRunner and how we make some improvements in how it operates.
I think we should take a look a look at our current inlineCallbacks
functions and see how we can write them The Right Way (TM) (with some
help from our Twisted friends).

I think these are the core themes we might want to focus on. What do
you folks think?

In the meantime, I have written a few improvements to battery for
outlining missing fields in .accomplishments files and providing a
better report (I pushed a 0.2.2 release today). See
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7275/7412400526_edc4308e74_o.png for a
screenshot. I did this work in preparation for some video tutorials I
am going to do to explain how people can contribute accomplishments
for (1) community accomplishments and (2) desktop accomplishments,
with a video for each.

To get the ball rolling, I created the 0.3 milestone for our projects
(codenamed "flux" after the accomplishment of the Back To The Future
Flux Capacitor :-) ), and I picked a release date of 5th September
2012. If anyone would prefer a different date, let me know. Tomorrow I
plan on running through our bug list and then targeting bugs where

Thanks all, and I look forward to another fun development cycle with you folks!


Jono Bacon
Ubuntu Community Manager
www.ubuntu.com / www.jonobacon.org
www.identi.ca/jonobacon www.twitter.com/jonobacon