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better changelogs


Now that we're focusing on quality for 0.3, I'd like to vote for improved changelogs. We should be mentioning new features and noting what we fixed, ideally throwing in who did what. Since the changelog and rev is only rolled once per release, it would be up to the person doing the release to edit the changelog to include this info. Since many people look at the changelogs to find bug fixes and features, I think that this is important to do. I'll volunteer to format the entry and pull in the bug info prior to release if necessary.

Here's an example format that I have previously used. We can use this or simplify it some by removing the info on what file was changed, and if people want to, we can also drop the names for who did what. The changes and bug numbers are the most important part.

foo (0.15) precise; urgency=low

  [ Matthew Fischer ]
  * accomplishments/daemon/tests.py:
    - Rewrote all the unit tests

  [ Jono Bacon ]
  * accomplishments/daemon/api.py:
    - Fixed issue with daemon starting (LP: #1234567)

 -- Jono Bacon <jono.bacon@xxxxxxxxxx>  Thu, 31 May 2012 12:16:06 -0400

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