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Tooling got my app rejected


I wrote about a 20 line application. It got rejected because

There's one blocking issue and a nitpick.
Blocking issue:
    "lint_package_filename_version_match": "'1' != '0.1' from DEBIAN/control"
Not sure what would of generated that differently, did you generate
the package from the SDK?  If so, which version?

The nitpick would be:
    "desktop_Comment_boilerplate (FateDice)": "Comment uses SDK
boilerplate 'My project description'"

These were both caused by the tools, not by me as a developer. We must
ensure that we do not throw up roadblocks like this for users.

1. The web site asked me for my version #. I put in a "1" and this
caused an error. Could someone please confirm that this box is being
removed? It seems that the data is in the click package, so I assume
we will just get it there. In the meantime, we should at least tell
users where to get that number.

2. I actually wanted to set a description but couldn't find out where.
At a minimum, failing to set the description should not cause the
upload to fail. Ideally, I would be prompted to include a description
if the web site detects that there is not one. Thoughts?

Cheers, Rick

Follow ups