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Re: PulseAudio - stable-queue or master for Oneiric?


On 2011-06-16 12:12, Luke Yelavich wrote:
On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 07:44:16PM EST, David Henningsson wrote:
Also, we really don't know how stable the two versions are (and even
less, know how stable they both will be in September-October!), and
I'm not sure how we can make a reasonably qualified guess.

But just to have a plan, what do you think of the following:
  * If PulseAudio releases 1.0 (from the master branch) before end of
July, we'll consider it, and re-evaluate the situation. Later than
end of July, it'd be too late to switch, as Alpha 3 and
FeatureFreeze are in the beginning of August [1].
I'll give a guarded +1 to this, but I think we get a PPA for users to test with first. Any sign of trouble, we abandone the idea. It will also take time to get the new json depednecy promoted to main as well, and we are likely to have to support that package being in main.
We could set up such a PPA already. In fact, I just requested daily 
imports of the master branch into 
lp:~ubuntu-audio-dev/pulseaudio/upstream.master - so we can set up daily 
launchpad builds into a PPA.
Which reminds me, Luke, do you have an opinion on where to put that, as 
well as where to put the daily DKMS builds of HDA modules - and if so, 
can you create the relevant ppa for doing so?

David Henningsson, Canonical Ltd.
