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Re: Chauncellor's bugcontrol application


I'm terribly sorry to Daniel Manrique in that I did not ever receive an email on his critiques to my application. Rogue filter, I guess.
"You should never mark as public a bug that still contains *something* which you
didn't mention here. Could you please review the documentation (under Apport
crash reports) and see if you  may have missed something?"
I failed to mention that I should search for a coredump.gz file and remove it if the trace looks good enough and invalidate the bug if it isn't good enough. I should then ask the user to re-report (if possible). I note that:

/Never mark a bug containing a Coredump.gz attachment as public.

/ Regarding my issue on comment responses, please see my reply to Omer Akram in which I go through his responses in detail (sorry about the formatting issues...)


Thank you, and I apologize for the tardiness.

Follow ups
