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new bug supervisor, ~cmiller?


Hi.  I want to manage some bugs.

Following instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl ...

> Do you promise to be polite to bug reporters even if they are rude to you
> or Ubuntu? Have you signed the Ubuntu Code of Conduct?

I agree.  Signed CoC eight years ago.

> Have you read Bugs/HowToTriage, Bugs/Assignment, Bugs/Status and
> Bugs/Importance? Do you have any questions about that documentation?

Have read. Have no questions.

> What sensitive data should you look for in a private Apport crash report
> bug before making it public? See Bugs/HowToTriage for more information.

Hostnames, anything personally identifiable, authentication information,
generally any leak of information owned by the reporter or specific to them.

> Is there a particular package or group of packages that you are interested
> in helping out with?

Packages in Desktop team's purview.  Most specifically, chromium-browser .

> Please list five or more bug reports which you have triaged and include an
> explanation of your decisions. Please note that these bugs should be
> representative of your very best work and they should demonstrate your
> understanding of the triage process and how to properly handle bugs. For
> all the bugs in the list, please indicate what importance you would give it
> and explain the reasoning. Please use urls in your list of bugs.

Bugs I would change or just did change:

   1. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/+bug/902747
   Already set title to have most meaningful stackframe, not abort or
   logging, but cause.  Would also set "Triaged/Low", as there's not a lot to
   do about running out of memory on startup other than fail in a more
   descriptive way, and it's not a normal case that affects a lot of people.
   Set to incomplete, as the reporter may have Alternatives that is not
   what he expects.
   Flash crash isn't obviously a chromium bug.
   My own bug report. I'd mark "Triaged/Medium"
   Reassigned flash bug.  Can't mark as Dup as I can't see its stack.

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