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iso-testing bug reports


There was an issue where bugs were not being tagged iso-testing by the
ISO tracker bot, this has been fixed now.  So please take some time to
review the bugs tagged iso-testing - this report will likely help:


Additionally, the ISO tracker bot is now commenting on bug reports with
a link like:


That link is a report of the times people entered that bug on the ISO
tracker so includes milestones and test cases.  This should help us
track people in the case where they just add a bug number in the ISO
tracker and don't comment on the bug report.

Finally, the ISO tracker also has an xml rpc interface for get
information about bugs that it knows about.  One interesting thing that
it has is the number of times a bug has been reported to the tracker
so we could query for those bugs that have been reported the most times
and are still open.

Brian Murray