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Re: [Question #48434]: 8.04.1 - WiFi trouble after update


Question #48434 on Ubuntu Eee changed:

    Status: Open => Answered

djuzgado proposed the following answer:
Think about change the default network manager with "wicd" (you can find
at http://wicd.net/). This work fine for me.

Installing Wicd in Ubuntu

Installing Wicd in Ubuntu is very simple. You just have to add the Wicd
repository to the Ubuntu package manager. To open the package manager in
Gnome, go to Administration > Synaptic Package Manager. When it appears,
go to Settings > Repositories > Third Party Software > Add..., and enter
the following line:

    deb http://apt.wicd.net hardy extras

where gutsy is your version of Ubuntu in lowercase (dapper, edgy,
feisty, gutsy, hardy, intrepid). You'll also need to add the key used
for signing Wicd by running the following command in a terminal:

    wget -q http://apt.wicd.net/wicd.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -

Now, click Reload, and wait while the package lists are downloaded. Now,
search for "Wicd", and right click on it. Select Install, then press
Apply, and Wicd will automatically be downloaded and installed for you.
This will also keep you automatically up to date with the latest and
greatest version of Wicd. Please note that this will remove network-
manager, which is the default GNOME network manager and may cause loss
of network connection temporarily.

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