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Re: Is anyone uploading to LOTW?


Beyond the problems and poor documentation for the trustedqsl
package, I was having strange problems in that the imported
certificate would yield an error that it had expired, when it
actually doesn't expire until 2011. I fired up a windows machine
that already has tqsl installed and my certs loaded, and I could
still sign and upload logs, but the cert couldn't be saved to a
.p12 - it said it was expired when the properties for the cert
in tqsl clearly showed an expiration date in 2011.

I emailed ARRL support, and got this answer:

The problem in ten words or less has to do with the signature of the certificate.

Quick fix:

Set the clock in your computer back to a date about 8 weeks ago.

Save the PKCS#12 file

Load the PKCS#12 into the new computer

Set the computer clocks to current time and date.

This will work for you however now would be a good time to get a new certificate with the correct signature file.

So given this not-very detailed explanation, I would advise everyone
using LOTW to try saving your cert to a .p12 and see if it fails, and
apply for a renewal or new certificate.

Steve AI4QR


Thanks for the tip.

I've been struggling to get trustedqsl working, after finding tqsllib12ca & tqsllib-dev also needed installing I found it wouldn't accept certificate.

For the benefit of those that may be trying to get it working in the future, the .tq6 file can only be installed on the same computer that the certificate request was made from.

Paul 5B8BA

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