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[Fwd: new strings for shotwell]


Wichtige Informationen bzgl. Shotwell …

Siehe weitergeleitete E-Mail.

Stand für die deutsche Übersetzung von Shotwell [1]:
- In Maverick: Vollständig
- In Natty:    39 ausstehend, 45 zu prüfen

[1] https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/shotwell


Dennis Baudys

      email: thecondor@xxxxxxxx
 GPG key-ID: E4A9FB08
fingerprint: CB9A 86FF 1C20 0426 3912
             0276 3A78 E23F E4A9 FB08

Prüfer im deutschen Ubuntu-Übersetzer-Team

  launchpad: ~thecondordb
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Hi all,

I noticed yesterday that shotwell, which was fully translated to Dutch,
suddenly has 42 untranslated strings. When I asked in the channel askhl
confirmed that the same number of new strings had appeared in Danish. 
I've check the shotwell application and it appears fully translated, I
dont know where these strings are supposed to be, are they for a new

Does somebody know where these strings came from, or where I can find
this out?


ubuntu-translators mailing list

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