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[Fwd: Call for help on sustainable translations]


Hallo Prüfer!
Hallo Team!

FYI: Wie aus der weitergeleiteten E-Mail zu entnehmen ist, wird HEUTE
beim Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS) [0] in Budapest um 13:00 UTC (15:00
MESZ) im Raum »Krúdy 06« das Ereignis

  »Sustainable Translations«

stattfinden. Außerdem dürfte für Übersetzer auch das MORGIGE Ereignis

  »Launchpad Translations Upstream Imports Presentation and Plans«

im Raum »Krúdy 06« um 08:00 UTC (13:00 MESZ) interessant sein.

Hier ist ein Verweis zum Zeitplan für die Community-relevanten
Ereignisse [1] beim UDS. David ruft Interessierte auf, bei den
Translation-bezogenen ggf. auch per Chat [2] und Audio-Stream [3]
teilzunehmen. Bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich selbst dazu Zeit haben werde.

[0] http://uds.ubuntu.com/
[1] http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/track/community/
[2] http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-uds-krudy
[3] http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/krudy.ogg.m3u


Dennis Baudys

      email: thecondor@xxxxxxxx
 GPG key-ID: E4A9FB08
fingerprint: CB9A 86FF 1C20 0426 3912
             0276 3A78 E23F E4A9 FB08

Prüfer im deutschen Ubuntu-Übersetzer-Team

  launchpad: ~thecondordb
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Hi translators,

As many of you will know, this week we're at the Ubuntu Developer Summit
(UDS) in Budapest discussing the plans for Ubuntu's next cycle, the
Oneiric Ocelot.

Today at 13:00 UTC we've got a translations session called "Sustainable
Translations" [1] about which I wanted to give you a bit of background
and ask you for your help driving it forward.

From the blueprint description [2]:

"The Ubuntu Translations community has reached a status of maturity, and
on every cycle it becomes more and more successful in effectively
translating Ubuntu.

David will continue his work as the Ubuntu Translations Coordinator as
usual, but as his role diversifies, he will spend some of his time on
other areas of the Ubuntu community this cycle.

The idea of this session is to build upon the work of previous cycles on
opening up the translations coordination mechanisms to the community,
and identify how to grow further leadership in the community, and
empower it to make it self-sustainable."

So what I would like to ask you on this cycle is your help in taking a
more leading role in coordinating and growing the global translations
community. I'd especially like to reach out to the Ubuntu Translations
Coordinators team [3], as they've got the relevant Launchpad permissions
for some of the admin tasks, but anyone in the global translations
community can help. I'd also encourage for anyone interested in getting
more involved to apply for joining the team. 

For this, we'll also need to identify if there is any area of
translations coordination that could be improved, or be more open to
enable any translations community member to drive any particular task.

I'm seeing this already today on IRC, where some community members have
pinged me about releasing the first Natty language packs, and have
stepped up for driving the process of the call for testing. This is just
awesome. And it'd be even more awesome to see more of this.

We'll discuss this later on in the session. If you are not at UDS but
you can participate remotely listening to the voice stream and joining
the IRC channel of the session, that would be really awesome, as this is
going to be an important goal for this cycle.


[1] http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/2011-05-11/
[2] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-o-sustainable-translations
[3] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-translations-coordinators

David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator
www.ubuntu.com / www.davidplanella.wordpress.com
www.identi.ca/dplanella / www.twitter.com/dplanella

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ubuntu-translators mailing list

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