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[Fwd: Ubuntu Oneiric Open for Translation]


FYI: Oneiric wurde jetzt zur Übersetzung freigegeben.

Dennis Baudys

      email: thecondor@xxxxxxxx
 GPG key-ID: E4A9FB08
fingerprint: CB9A 86FF 1C20 0426 3912
             0276 3A78 E23F E4A9 FB08

Prüfer (vorübergehend inaktiv) im deutschen

  launchpad: ~thecondordb
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Hi translators,

After the first language packs have now been generated, I am pleased to
announce that our current development release, Ubuntu Oneiric, is now
open for translation at:


      * Translation schedule. Remember that according to the release
        schedule [1] translatable messages might be subject to change
        until the User Interface Freeze [2] on the week of the 25th of
      * Language packs. During the development cycle, language packs
        containing translations will be released twice per week [3]
        except for the freeze periods. This will allow users and
        translators to quickly see and test the results of translations.
      * Test and report bugs. If you notice any issues (e.g.
        untranslated strings or applications), do check with the
        translation team for your language [4] first. If you think it is
        a genuine bug, please report it [5].
      * Learn More. Learn how to start translating Ubuntu [6] and enable
        millions to use it in their language.

Happy translating!


[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule
[2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserInterfaceFreeze
[3] https://dev.launchpad.net/Translations/LanguagePackSchedule
[4] https://translations.launchpad.net/+groups/ubuntu-translators
[5] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/+filebug
[6] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/

David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator
www.ubuntu.com / www.davidplanella.wordpress.com
www.identi.ca/dplanella / www.twitter.com/dplanella

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ubuntu-translators mailing list

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