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Re: Kindle version ....


Hello, Kevin.

On Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 1:06 PM, Kevin Neely
<ktneely@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> TeX4HT / htlatex is what you want.  You can also convert to open office
> format with the following.
> htlatex $1 "xhtml,ooffice" "ooffice/! -cmozhtf" "-coo -cvalidate"
> which I use quite a bit to generate odt from my latex source.

I tried this before but we're using the XeLaTeX engine along with the
fontspec and polyglossia packages.  This causes htxelatex to fail.

At this point, I think our best bet is to revise our toolchain.
Instead of going from XeLaTeX to PDF, we should go from, say, Docbook
to XeLaTeX to PDF and Docbook to HTML.  (Or some other source format
in place of Docbook.)

I'm certainly open to ideas or suggestions.  If anyone would like to
join the investigation, I'll be glad for the help.

--Kevin Godby
