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Authors/editors chapter 2


Hi Vibhav, Tony, JohnC, Jim,
Thank you all for your reaction to c7p's call for authors for chapter 2 (see below). Most of you offered to review, edit this chapter. I would like to coordinate the editing of this chapter. In a previous email I suggested:
One option would be to have more authors and editors assigned to this chapter (Tony, Vibhant, JohnC, Jim, Hannie) where each has his/her own specialty like Dash, Unity, Launcher, Nautilus etc.
If you agree, let me know and I will try to assign sections to each one of you. I will do the Nautilus section (no changes there, except screenshots ;) ) If you also want to contribute as an author for this chapter, please contact c7p.

Reactions on c7p's email:
The Ubuntu Desktop section needs your help ! This part of the chapter covers the basics of the Ubuntu Desktop environment (Login screen, Unity, Launcher, Dash, windows, workspaces, HUD).
We need an author for this section cause it's one of the most critical 
sections of the manual, maybe the most important. Are you interested ?
On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 8:19 PM, Vibhav Pant wrote:
I can edit this section
20-05-2012: Tony Pursell wrote:
I did volunteer to review this part of the manual
Op 21-05-12 00:20, John Cave schreef:
I thought that I was doing this section. The new ubuntu has not changed that much from the last, I observe, so mostly what will be needed is new screenshots and maybe expanding the chapter. I can do the job of scanning the chapter for changes, but expansions may need to be done by someone else.
John C
22-05-2012: Hello everyone, I'm Jim Connett, and I'm very interested in helping to edit this section. I'm up-to-speed on the LaTeX formatting from the well-written guide and have even started perusing Chapter 2 since it looks like this is where our focus resides.

Hi all,
One option would be to have more authors and editors assigned to this chapter (Tony, Vibhant, JohnC, Jim, Hannie) where each has his/her own specialty like Dash, Unity, Launcher, Nautilus etc.

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