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[Ubuntu Manual] Screenshots of the manual


Hello all,

if you read the minutes of yesterday minutes we are going to recapture many screenshots in order to assure that the ALL screenshots of the manual have been captured according to the instructions. Screenshots are very important and we mustn't stay behind because of them. On the previous series it was one of our main problems !
So we need your help :)

Many of the authors (if not all) followed the instructions, although some screens aren't ok. Here is the instructions in case you don't know: [1] https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/msg02988.html
Me and Che are a bit busy these days. I'm very busy the whole month till 
June 28, so i we won't make it without you -i'm not sure if i'll be able 
to contribute in this-.
@authors: In case you haven't captured the screens according to [1] let 
us know.
I checked one by one the screenshots, so if i'm right here is the 
accurate status of the screenshots (if you find also something else drop 
a mail)
Installation chapter:
According to Mario almost all screens have been captured according to [1].
But for the windows (Wubi) screenshots if i'm not mistaken.

UbuntuDesktop chapter:
*All* screenshots have to be recaptured.

Working with Ubuntu chapter:

Getting Online (seems OK, it would be good to be recaptured)
Firefox OK
Thunderbird OK
*Using instant messaging (@ Tom Swartz do you have time to capture them ?)
MicroBlogging OK
*Totem needs  screenshot
Rhythmbox OK  (seems OK, it would be good to be recaptured)
*Burning CDs and DVDs  needs  screenshot
Shotwell OK
UbuntuOne OK

Hardware chapter:
Needs screenshot

Software management:
All screenshots  expect for the first 2 have to be recaptured

Advanced Topics
Recapture these screens too.

If anyone else with more time want to coordinate the process, i don't have problem just let me know.
Thank you !

Follow ups