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Re: top bar, menu bar, panel or top panel


Op 12-07-12 03:06, Kevin Godby schreef:
Another issue to consider is whether or not we should capitalize any
of those terms.

Currently, the Ubuntu Manual capitalizes Launcher and Dash. The Ubuntu
docs at <http://help.ubuntu.com/> appear to be inconsistent in their

Additionally, per the GNOME docs style guide, menubar should be one
word, not two: <http://developer.gnome.org/gdp-style-guide/2.32/gdp-style-guide.html#gnome-glossary-desktop>.


Interesting stuff!
In the doc team style guide, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/StyleGuide/StandardTerminology, I also see "menubar", one word.
About capitalization: have a look at the Gnome style guide "panel":

 * When the panel is a specific user interface component, then write
   the term with an initial uppercase letter. For example, Menu Panel.
 * When the panel is a type of user interface component, then write the
   term according to normal text rules.

I find this pretty confusing.Besides, we should stick to Unity terminology/spelling, unless we talk about the Gnome environment in our manual. The word "panel" is not mentioned in the doc team style guide, but I get the impression the style guide has not had an update for a long time.

Follow ups
